Saturday, January 14, 2012

and for my next trick...

2011 was a pretty good year.. all in all. We bought and moved in to our new home; I got a promotion at work; Big D won his case, though it still isn't resolved. While it's easy to get bogged down in the bs, we have a lot to be thankful for, and we know we are blessed.
So onto 2012. I am intent on shedding the last 20 or 30 lbs I need to lose. I do well for 3 or 4 days, then fall off the wagon and undo the previous 2 days worth of work/denial. That's frustrating. I will go shopping today and stock the house with healthy alternatives, as if I get hungry, I will eat something tasty if I don't have easy options to choose from.. which results in a big fat fail. Seems too, that when I get into a routine of food options, I do better, so I'll try to formulate a better plan with that in mind.
Additionally, the Doctorate quest is underway. I'm enrolled in classes that begin Tuesday to that goal. I'm hoping for 5 years, but will settle for 6. It's been a bit of a challenge for the past week to get things done to that end, but again, I am feeling very blessed that things fell my way, especially considering that ominous Friday the 13th thrown in there for good measure, or additional stress. While the educational expenses involved seem a bit daunting, the investment will yield triple my salary in a relatively short amount of time, so it's a good choice, and will put me in a better position to really help people.
Big D and I have set "the date" for October 16th, though we didn't specify the year (lol), and given October will be here the day after tomorrow, well, we'll see. Lots of things need to go right for that trick to happen this year. I don't even have a fuzzy picture in my mind (as opposed to a clear one), of how I'd like that ceremony to happen, only that I want it to happen. I'm open for suggestion.
So here we are. If you're reading this, thank you for being a part of my life.

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