While I don't usually involve myself in anything too controversial on FB, I just couldn't resist this...
Did you know that:
The word "racecar" spelled backwards still spells "racecar"?
"Eat" is the only word that, if you take the first letter and move it to the
last, spells its past tense, "ate"?
And if you rearrange the letters in "Tea Party Republicans," and add just a
few more letters, it spells: "Shut the f**k up you free-loading,
progress-blocking, benefit-grabbing, resource-sucking, violent, hypocritical
douche bags, and deal with the fact that you nearly wrecked the country
under Bush and that our President is Black, so get used to it."
received in email via anonymous.. thanks ;)
Isn't that interesting?
Thursday, November 18, 2010
did you know that:
Monday, November 15, 2010
Life lessons
What goes around, comes around - ALWAYS!! Don't waste your time on revenge. Trust it to be true!
If you kick it to the curb - leave it there! You don't take trash BACK into the house
If you chase it, it will run
When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.
If the situation doesn't directly effect you, your children or your job, stay out of it. Negativity doesn't need any assistance from anybody
furthermore.... you don't need to look for trouble.. it will find you! You do however: need to search out your happiness.. it seems, sometimes, elusive.
If you find yourself making excuses for him (or her as the case may be) more than half the time, you're making too many excuses. Why?
Houses built on foundations with structural damage, will be problematic. You may apply that same theory to relationships. In other words, if your mate has substance abuse issues, mental health issues, narcissitic tendencies or just generally pyschotic, you can expect a problematic relationship.
It is not always the other guy.
You cannot help people that don't want your help... really
11. If you can't admit you have a problem, you'll never find the cure/fix. NEVER!
That holds true if the problem is your own, or your "significant other".
12. Do you! You are the most qualified to be you, and God put you here to be YOU, flaws and all.
13. People may not believe what you say, but they will always believe what you do.
14. Face the truth, before it faces you.
15. If he tells you who he is, believe him. For example, if he says he's not ready to be in a relationship - he's not. If he says he's not good with change, he isn't. Again, if someone is telling you who or what they are - listen and save yourself some grief.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
gentle thoughts
Birds of a feather flock together .. .. . .and then poop on your car.
haven't met everybody.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
People keep asking me how I lost the weight I've lost. I've been tracking my diet and exercise, almost since I started, with an app on my phone called calorie counter, and a synced website - myfatsecret.com. It lets you export your diary, so here it is. This is exactly what I've been eating from last May through September, which is when I lost most of the weight. I exercise nearly everyday except Sunday. I tried to make certain I had a bear minimum of 30 minutes of cardio activity daily, mostly interval. As you can see if you read through the details, I wasn't super vigilant about not eating this or not eating that. I ate out in restaurants, ate things that aren't necessarily healthy, but what I'm doing different is focusing on moderation and portion control, which has always been my biggest problem. I've been working (and still am) on changing my thought patterns to realize that I don't have to eat the entire of anything, but rather, cheesecake factory, crunch n munch, and my other favorites, will be here tomorrow, the day after that, and so on, and I don't need to fill up on it now. A few bites, savored, should be quite enough. I also, try to eat slower now.
my fat secret diet details
People keep asking me how I lost the weight I've lost. I've been tracking my diet and exercise almost since I started with an app on my phone called calorie counter, and a synced website - myfatsecret.com. It lets you export your diary, so here it is. This is exactly what I've been eating from last May through September, which is when I lost most of the weight.
Monday, November 1, 2010
A new CDC report tells us that the number of Americans with diabetes is projected to double or triple in the next 40 years. Diabetes increases the risk for heart disease; hypertension; stroke, kidney disease, vision loss, and other serious medical conditions.
To learn if you are at risk for diabetes, go to http://www.diabetes.org/
This month, take a few minutes to learn more about the importance of diabetes prevention:
The 3 most important lifestyle behaviors that can help reduce our risk of diabetes are
- daily moderate physical activity
- maintaining a healthy weight and waistline
- making healthy eating choices
Physical exams that include a fasting glucose test are important for early detection of abnormal blood sugar (glucose) levels in at risk individuals. If glucose levels are creeping up year after year this is a warning sign of pre-diabetes and possibly diabetes. Exercise; proper nutrition and losing just 5 to 10% of body weight can turn this trend around. For those already living with diabetes- attention to these same lifestyle behaviors can help improve their health and better manage their diabetes. Avoiding tobacco is also critical as smoking increases blood glucose levels and reduces the body’s ability to use insulin. For more prevention information: http://www.diabetes.org/
The DHHS Wellness Program promotes worksite opportunities for physical activity, healthy eating, tobacco cessation support, and weight management to help employees prevent diabetes and help those living with diabetes better manage their condition. Some employees have reported their participation in worksite wellness activities enabled them to increase their level of physical activity and lose weight and as a result their physician was able to reduce or eliminate their diabetes medication So, take a walk every day on your break or lunch time, bring healthy snacks and lunch to work, and, if you are overweight, join a weight management program.
Some Excellent Diabetes Resources: