So I've been deleted. It wouldn't be anything, but alas, I was aghast that, yes, one of the girls I went to High School with, apparently deleted me, and I have no idea why. What did I do? (or not do?) I thought she was a good friend in HS and had really good times with her, so I was quite taken aback by my deletion. Will I lose sleep over it? No, but I'm really curious about it, and I really don't like the feeling of being deleted. Maybe it's the word - delete! It makes it seem like I'm very unimportant (wow, narcissistic much?), or just non-relevant? Is her friend count too high at 109? (formerly 110). Ok, yes, I have deleted people from my friends list in the past, without too much consideration of how they felt about being deleted, but I did consider it, and came to the conclusion, that they likely wouldn't have noticed that they had been deleted. It's only been a few, and they were people who I no longer associate with, or weren't friends of mine to begin with, but rather friends of friends, and I didn't really know anything about them. In this age of cyber-stalking and privacy concerns, I've become a little more diligent about who I'd like to let into my picture albums and status updates. Only one of my dearly deleted actually wrote me an email about it... a solid year and a half later.. when he noticed. I responded with the information that it had been nearly two years ago that he had been deleted, so obviously, we weren't really 'friends' now were we? He accepted that (or so I thought). But back to .. me.. I did the only logical thing about my kick to the curb.. I submitted a friend request. She's online, but I've not yet been accepted, though 3 others have been. I do believe I'm treading into stalker territory. Maybe I'm just being too sensitive?
The problem with HS FB friends is this; you think of these folks as the same as when you last saw them. So in my case, and HS friends, that's several decades ago. So in my logical mind (shutup), I know that these are most certainly not the same people I went to school with, as I am not anywhere near the same person I was 30+ years ago, somehow my perception remains a little stagnated. Does FB bring out the High School teenager pettiness in me? I truly do enjoy reading about my classmates lives, and seeing the pictures. I like the pirate costumes (well, I think they were costumes), needles getting lost in your back (still trying to get my brain around that one), enjoying your first snow of the season (where is the sanity in that?), where your band is playing or how much fun you seem to have doing it, and of course, the family events that bring joy all around. So while sometimes I wonder if my FB classmates still imagine me as I was in HS, I hope that they can see from my FB page that I'm not the mean, chip on my shoulder, angry and unhappy punk I was back then (I said shutup).
In closing, while I'm surely disappointed with my deletion, I'll let it go, move on, and put it on the shelf along with all my other "don't know what's up with that" stuff. Since I don't do 'passive-aggressive' bs, I will continue to operate under the assumption that most people are mature enough to let me know respectfully if I'm doing something that offends them, so that I may then respectfully let them know they can kiss my ... (lol, kidding.. shutup already)
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