Thursday, November 18, 2010

did you know that:

While I don't usually involve myself in anything too controversial on FB, I just couldn't resist this...
Did you know that:
The word "racecar" spelled backwards still spells "racecar"?
"Eat" is the only word that, if you take the first letter and move it to the
last, spells its past tense, "ate"?
And if you rearrange the letters in "Tea Party Republicans," and add just a
few more letters, it spells: "Shut the f**k up you free-loading,
progress-blocking, benefit-grabbing, resource-sucking, violent, hypocritical
douche bags, and deal with the fact that you nearly wrecked the country
under Bush and that our President is Black, so get used to it."

received in email via anonymous.. thanks ;)

Isn't that interesting?

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