Sister Ellen Marie - my, what a wonderful human being you are. You were probably the kindest person I have ever known, and to everyone. You were a shining star in my young life, and made my time at Sacred Heart a foundation for my future.
Rita from Vista - you just spent time with me. You taught me that French song, Frère Jacques. It might not seem like much, but for me, at the time, I was so alone and you made a difference.
Judy Jestila - my first 'friend'. It was you, with your bubbly personality, that showed me that girls can be human.
Ms. Utley - you taught me English in a way that made it possible for me to understand it. You were patient, thorough, and always there to answer my questions or guide me. I respected you because, despite all the criticism you endured from very mean spirited students, you never let it show that it might've bothered you in the slightest. You had incredible strength.
Danni Carruthers - Another shining star here on Earth. I dreaded my first day at Otsego High and there you were, big smile, inviting me to sit with you and your friends at lunch. You're awesome Danni. Thanks for being my friend, and again proving that some girls are human.
Bob - my son, my love, you have no idea how you saved my life. Having you completely changed who I was, what path I was on, my whole manner of being, and I thank you. I know it wasn't your intention, being a newborn baby and all, but thanks for being a good kid too.
Tyler - you taught me to relax, understand that life is short, time is fleeting and I need to appreciate what I have. Plan as best you can for the future, but live for today.
Dan - when you died, we were all devastated. It was unexpected, shocking, and crushing. Losing you made me appreciate and understand how fortunate I am to have such a wonderful family. I know that the time I'm blessed to have with them is a treasure.
As a grown up, I think I expect more from people. I think kindness shouldn't be an extra, but rather, something that should come naturally to a person. Of course, I've been disappointed here and there, (holding the sarcastic cut here) but people have been kind and I do appreciate it when it happens. As for the people that have changed my life, unfortunately, it seems that they are more negative than positive. For example, I worked for a man that was a complete jackass (shall remain somewhat anonymous), and he once told me that in business it is ALWAYS the money that is of paramount importance. It was a discussion around how the employees were being treated poorly and taken advantage of, unknowingly. That was the start of my realization that where business is concerned, the higher the level of management, the more deviant the personality. I found it more than I could stomach and changed careers, and the course of my life.
Samuel Johnson - the bastard that rammed into the back of my truck. Thanks for the wake up call. I was digressing off the path I needed to be on, getting caught up in the nonsense, and not tending to what I needed to be doing. You helped me see that I was wasting too much time, life is short, time is fleeting, and I shouldn't take anything for granted.
...and then there's Darryll. Well, there's the obvious - moving to a tiny town from a metro area, in another state and combining our lives, after both of us have lived independently for years. But also, you've taught me more about myself and human nature and in such unexpected ways. I love that I learn from you just because we are us. You restored my faith in men, and showed me what being an honorable man truly means. Thanks for letting me fall in love with you.
I would love to read about the people that have made a difference in your life.
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