Post Run Stretches
All stretches held for 30 seconds
Begin by lying down slowly flat on back.
1. Gently pull knee to chest -hold, do other leg, then do both (Lower back)
2. Pull fully extended leg straight up and hold with hand behind knee do other (Hamstring)
3. Sit up. Pull 1 heel up to thigh -knee out to side. Stretch toward extended leg with toe ~ pointed up repeat with other leg
4. Same position stretch with toes pointed out
5. Pull both heels together and as close to groin as you can, knees to the side. Allow knees to go as close to floor as you can. Lean forward a bit. Keep heels as close to groin as you can and shoot for eventually getting knees flat on floor
6. Extend Right leg. Put left foot on right side of right knee (cross over). Twist to left and put right elbow on left side ofleft knee. Twist more to left while pushing knee right. Switch and repeat
7. Roll face down. Push up with arms to arch backwards to full elbow extension. Be careful with this one iflower back is sore.
8. At 7 rest position, bear walk your feet up under you and stand up
9. Stretch upper body by putting right arm behind head, pull on right elbow with left hand and stretch/lean to left. Switch
10. Find a guard rail or something. Lift leg to height to that it is straight out fully extended. Slowly lean forward to stretch hamstring. Switch r
11. Put hands on wall at shoulder height, feet to rear together. Flex one knee, keep other leg straight and lean forward to stretc~calfmuscle, switch. Repeat with both legs.
12. Go to bed
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