My goal - run a 1/2 marathon, has turned out to be harder than I had anticipated. I'm currently very stuck at about 5 miles. I can jog/run for about 55 minutes a day but haven't been able to break through past that. I've recently changed training regimens and have been having a little more success. I run/jog everyday now. Previously, I was doing every other day, but realized after about 4 weeks, I wasn't getting stronger, and actually, was running fewer miles than I had been while I was working on weight loss. While I was actively working on losing weight, I ran everyday except Sunday. EVERYDAY, no matter what! I did interval runs, where I started at 3 minutes walking, and 2 minutes running, and worked my way up to 2.5 minutes walking, 5 minutes running. That worked great for losing weight! - 60 lbs in about 6 months.
I realize my biggest issue is in my head. I hate hate hate running on a treadmill, so it doesn't take much to talk myself out of it. Currently, after about 15 minutes, I find myself trying desperately to think about anything except what I'm doing. I listen to music - very good music - but still, some days I just struggle through it and spend the last 20 minutes, literally, counting down the minutes. I enjoy running outside but the weather has been atrocious and cold.
Physically, I'm fine. No pain after to speak of. Sometimes, my right knee is a little sore, but mostly only if I walk too fast. That's from a little torn cartilage I have from a work related injury. I do strength training 2 or 3 times a week. One day - chest, biceps, triceps, one day, - back and shoulders, one day - core and legs. On those days, I do the strength training first and then my jog/run. I go as long as I can with a minimum of 3 miles or 30 minutes.
I'm hoping my brothers are training as well, so we can run a 1/2 together as a team. I think this would be much easier if I had a training partner, but as of yet, I don't know anyone around here that is willing. My fiancée (Big D) is very much into fitness, but his knees are too far gone for running/jogging.
No running today because I've gone every day, including Sunday and I need a little break. I did lunges and another drill that focused on quads, hamstrings, gluts that I'm paying for a little bit. So I think, since I go to work early on Tuesdays, I'll use that as my off day instead of Sunday.
That's all for now.
Suggestions and tips appreciated.
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